Blonde & Bold & Going to Houston

My eyes glaze over small sheets of paper we use to record numbers on at work. Each paper has its own unique sequence, a lottery number, random chaos forming number stands made in part from clients choosing photo's from a photo session. Often the numbers "2" and "3" are scribbled in; sometimes numbers are sketched out, and always have groups of three to six. If I add the total sum of all numbers in one group I can get the "Shot-Average" – something ridiculous I made up just so I could give everything a little more meaningful nuance. Afterwards I look back at these small sheets of paper and think to myself "Well, isn't that an interesting score!" crimpling it into a ball and throw it in the recycle bin.

I rather use the small sheets of paper that we use for number recording for more "stimulating" avenues, such as working out the new ideas for paintings, but I fear for setting an example. I resist. I let go a bit in meetings but I make sure that paper isn't important first and usually after I see that someone else is doodling. On bitter days I start the meeting in a sketch though that usually works out for the best… you know I have that paperwork done first as I wouldn't abandon it in the files.

I don't really have enough time to sit down and think "what is it that I am doing with myself?" It's funny, but I enjoy it that way, hence the reason for the mindless number crunching, meeting sketching, goofy-face making and uncomfortable laughter.

I am not really working on any great paintings as of late- instead I am working on getting my ideas to pen/paper so I have work for this year's Farmers Market. Though I would like to be a bit more stimulated art-wise… maybe after I go to the gallery this weds with Grant and his wife I will have the stimulation I need to get back to work.


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