Killing Time

The daily work routine has left me very stressed out to the point I caught a cold. Being sick is serious downtime for me as I don't feel at all creative when I have to keep blowing my nose every 5 minutes. Instead, downtime for me has always been an escape into the internet where I waste most of my time networking (friends and business) and where I read up on the current state of events. In translation I have 5 open tabs all on CBC, youtube, facebook, hotmail and the current message board of the day trolling around in the art community. Which reminds me, I need to take my computer into the shop…

There is word of a new Art Supply store opening up just around the corner from where I live- I hope to be one of their best customers. The best thing about this is that it's right on the Main Street so if I run out of something while at the market I can always reach over and buy it :p


I am working on three new pieces- one is a night scene of Thomas Street on wood canvas, the other is an aerial shot of a farm that used to be just off of Tremaine and the other is a small scene of Dundas. They are sitting and waiting along the famer and the creepy church piece (contemplating hating the creepy church) for my health to return so I can attack them.


Today Grant is coming over to take pictures of Squash though her hair is still short. I wonder how long it will be for her awesomeness to return. I'll post up the best ones we get.

If anything I am finding myself pulled into the world of photography lately though for me photography is a mixed art form since my regular day trade is professional photographer. I don't know if I will seriously do much with photography, though I should as it comes as natural as painting for me.

Gail called me up last week and she's interested in hitting the streets again to make another video and to get some shots done. The best friends are the ones who always are up for something fun. Hopefully we will make another great video that I can share with everyone.


Jennifer Smith said...

An art supply place on Main Street? Really?!? That's excellent! Where?

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