Studio Tour 2008

I had a blast sitting in with Kathy Tyers at her studio all weekend. We had all sorts of visitors stopping by the Saturday, but the busy day was Sunday when the sun came out and you could really see how wonderful it is to be in her backyard. I understand why she has the studio where it is- the sun can come in and really light the place up. Plus its so calm where she is- it makes me miss my old block.
I enjoyed the children that came in hand with mom and dad. Often they were too shy or taken back at everything that was going on around them to really come up to me like everyone does at the Farmer’s Market. One boy saw my table set up in Kathy’s house and the painting I had renamed “Earthbound” with the plush Mr. Saturn doll peeking out nearby on a shelf. He quietly came up to me and asked me if I liked Nintendo and started saying “It’s one of my favourite games, though I have never really played it”.
I asked him, “how can you love it if you have never played it?” He just said, “It just is” and we had a sort of touching nerdy moment that I thought was one of the coolest things that has ever happened to me.
Many of the children that came by were really cute. There was a little red haired girl with pretty glasses that came in with her mom. She made me wish that when I was a kid my mom should have dressed me like her though when I was thinking more about that idea I remembered how much of a fuss I made when she would try to dress me up like that so I abandoned that thought and felt it was better for her.
Peter and his wife Kerrie showed up too and I was so happy that they came I literally flew outside to give them a big hug when they arrived. Rob and his wife came too after hiking and they were looking at a lot of my work for their new practice in Toronto. I am really excited about doing something there and possibly in the office in Milton. One of my old neighbours stopped by too and wants her house painted, so it looks as if I am going to be busy once more.
Many of my friends came by- some with coffee even! And the way I like it too!
Now it’s all work now! Finish now! Get to it! as I buckle down for my big show in November!


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