Cut-Up Experiment

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Have a Blast!
The best is to take old saved emails from your outlook as your "cutup".

Be just a disguise and I am looking thru the eye-holes to see who it is and if I need to hurt them severely. an awkward moment. Maybe I was dreaming again- someone slips in wearing the skin of him, but when the door is closed and my clothes are off it turns out to window. A dull glint, pulp blue, bedroom light- why is bedroom light always blue? For a moment, I did not know whose hands were at my side- but it came at different, I was quickly alarmed because it was dark in my room and the only light shading in was the gleam of the streetlight out by the sidewalk coming thru the waking up in a puff of steam and meticulously busying in wild “I need to get this done” segments. He put his hands on me last night and it felt strange and my nights will be filled with mindless keyboard clacking and bland popcorn moments. The body is going in- last weeks few attacks left me tired, lethargic, napping on the couch and I cant believe he’s gone and so far off in the distance… and me now with all this work and responsibility my hair is just going to grow longer and longer...


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