Enter winter

I'm silly when it comes to winte. I enjoy it where as many loathe the season with great animated passion- usually expressed with digging the car out of the drive way or the bummer of the wait in line to get Tim Hortons coffee at 8 in the morning (hand gestures optional). Maybe its due to the fact I don't own a viehical or drive for that matter that I enjoy winter since I get to spend a great deal in it as I shuffle from spot to spot. I enjoy a good toboggan ride or a few circles around the pond on skates… throwing snowballs at everyone and jumping in snowbanks. I still have a child's heart so it's easy for me to still see magic when snow falls.

I have been so busy in the last few weeks with work and projects a plenty which is the other reason I enjoy winter. The cold forces you inside where to break the boredom of cabin fever I make my best laid plans for the new year in the small rooms in my apartment. If I can't be working on anything directly I enjoy planning out a bigger, better plan for when the weather is better. I have been throwing around ideas for stories as well as new paintings, especially as there are a few special people on my list this year who I plan to make something nice for ;)

Kelso Side sold today exactly the moment I got home from work and sat down on my computer- I was checking the cbc website and behold my latest video "A Day in November" was featured on their website in the Citizens Bytes blog to my joy. That whole painting was a huge risk that ended up in the right pace. I enjoyed it a lot- I know the person who bought it made a great choice.


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